
People Connectivity Diagrams


  1. On the top, overall diagram called "VARIOUS LEVELS OF CONNECTIVITY", I'm not sure if I need to also highlight the pathways (maybe just highlighting it with the lightest color?) As of now, I'm really just showing connectivity within the connection points, but the "Visual Connection" takes place in the circulation pathway portions also (between the connection pts.). How can I graphically show this so it will still look nice? Do you think my suggestion above works or is there another good idea out there? Thanks for any suggestions!

  2. I like the start of these diagrams, they are beginning to make the gestures you have been talking about.
    Second Diagram: I like the dots but they read as stagnant, in the circulation areas can you combine the dots to read more as a line to show movement but keeping the same graphic language. Just an idea.

    First Diagram: I like the shade of intensity and how they represent levels of connectivity. But I don't think it has to be circular, maybe just focus on what the colors represent and don't worry too much about the shape (circle).

    Call me if this doesn't make sense...I haven't talked to you today, haha.

  3. Top diagram: the graphics are reading well, though I am surprised to see that the visual circles end so soon - I would imagine that those would extend to the closest face of the surrounding buildings or to points of interest that you can see from the connection path and points

  4. Top diagram (more!): the building outlines could be pumped up a little bit, though this may not be necessary in print. Two things that strike me: one, that each has all three circles - aren't these areas different programmatically? Shouldn't we see different proportions of visual/casual/and deep connections in each location? Second, the walking path on top of the Wal Mart offers deep connection for its entire boundary, right? So we either need to see the circle grow (or become an ellipse) or... (you tell me)

  5. Bottom diagram: this seems to be a diagram of the actual bodies, and not of the connectivity. What are you trying to show us here? The same information as in the upper diagram but with more information? Then we should see furniture, counters, windows etc, and the graphics would want to retain the same three-intensity gradient.
